42 rue Rodrigues Pereire
33 000 Bordeaux – France
Phone: +33(0)5 56 56 92 56
Contact us
Would you like more information or to book a room?
We will be pleased to answer any questions.
How to come to us?
Are you coming by car?
Possibility of parking in rue Rodrigues-Pereire at a rate of 1.80 € / hour from Monday to Saturday from 9 a.m. to 7 p.m. (max 2 hours).
Parking Q-PARK Clémenceau
All our customers can benefit from special rates on this carpark, the closest to Villa Victor Louis. (800m).
From Bordeaux Saint-Jean station:
By TRAMWAY: Line C, get off Porte de Bourgogne then take Line A, and get off at Mériadeck. Walk on rue Claude Bonnier, and turn right rue du Révérend Père Dieuzayde and left on rue du Château d’Eau. Walk on Place des Martyrs de la Résistance, rue Rodrigues Pereire will be on your right. (about 20 minutes from the station)
By BUS: Line 1 (direction airport) and get off at Gambetta Mériadeck. Walk on rue du Château d’Eau. continue on Place des Martyrs de la Résistance, rue Rodrigues Pereire will be on your right. (about 20 minutes from the station).
By TAXI: Average cost of the trip: 25 €. (about 15 minutes from the station)
From Bordeaux-Mérignac Airport:
By BUS: Line 1 (direction QUINCONCES), and get off at Gambetta Mériadeck. Walk on rue du Château d’Eau. continue on Place des Martyrs de la Résistance, rue Rodrigues Pereire will be on your right. (about 40 minutes from the airport)
By Taxi: average cost 40€ (about 30 minutes from the airport)
By Car: Follow Bordeaux centre ville (city centre) / Place Gambetta then rue Judaïque / Saint-Seurin (about 30 minutes from the airport)
Would you like more information or to book a room?
We will be pleased to answer any questions.

42 rue Rodrigues Pereire
33 000 Bordeaux – France
Tel : +33(0)5 56 56 92 56
Contact us
How to come to us?
Are you coming by car?
Possibility of parking in rue Rodrigues-Pereire at a rate of 1.80 € / hour from Monday to Saturday from 9 a.m. to 7 p.m. (max 2 hours).
Parking Q-PARK Clémenceau
All our customers can benefit from special rates (20€ / 24h) on this carpark, the closest to Villa Victor Louis. (800m).
Tickets available directly at Villa Victor Louis’ reception.
From Bordeaux Saint-Jean station:
By TRAMWAY: Line C, get off Porte de Bourgogne then take Line A, and get off at Mériadeck. Walk on rue Claude Bonnier, and turn right rue du Révérend Père Dieuzayde and left on rue du Château d’Eau. Walk on Place des Martyrs de la Résistance, rue Rodrigues Pereire will be on your right. (about 20 minutes from the station)
By BUS: Line 1 (direction airport) and get off at Gambetta Mériadeck. Walk on rue du Château d’Eau. continue on Place des Martyrs de la Résistance, rue Rodrigues Pereire will be on your right. (about 20 minutes from the station).
By TAXI: Average cost of the trip: 25 €. (about 15 minutes from the station)
From Bordeaux-Mérignac Airport:
By BUS: Line 1 (direction QUINCONCES), and get off at Gambetta Mériadeck. Walk on rue du Château d’Eau. continue on Place des Martyrs de la Résistance, rue Rodrigues Pereire will be on your right. (about 40 minutes from the airport)
By Taxi: average cost 40€ (about 30 minutes from the airport)
By Car: Follow Bordeaux centre ville (city centre) / Place Gambetta then rue Judaïque / Saint-Seurin (about 30 minutes from the airport)